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Can't access backupset error -1101


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I'm currently evaluating Retrospect.




I often get a 1101 error (can't access backupset file/directory not found).




I tried several times to delete the old backupset and make a new backupset. I know i haven't moved it.




The really strange is that it works when i have the configuration software running on the backupserver, but if i'm not logged on at the same time the backup is made i mostly get the above error (I'm logging on using terminal services).




I searched the knowledgebase and the only thing i could find was a suggestion to check the disks which i did, but the server i'm backing up to is completely new and i scanned the disk without any errors.




I'm thinking if it has anything to do with accessrights or something?




The server i'm testing on is a Win2000 server.







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I am having the same problem with one of my Win2k servers. I do a check before I close retrospect and everything checks out fine, then when I come in the morning I get the same error message (can't access backup sets). I can then open retrospect and do an a run script under the immediate tab and it runs just fine. If you solve the problem please let me know. Thanks

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