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Deleting Sub Directories

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Is there a way/option/suggestion in Retrospect Server for Windows, to delete subfolders after backup but not to delete the Main directory/folder within the Souce folder that we choose with creating a script?!?


I found the option under "File Options" to NOT delete empty folders. But we would like Retrospect Server for Windows to delete these folders after backup leaving just the main directories/folders we create within the chosen Souce.







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If you choose to use an "archive script" with "move" turned on, then ALL subfolders and files will be deleted. If you turn on the option to "don't delete empty folders" then ALL subfolders will remain on he disk. If you want to keep a folder, define that folder as a subvolume and use it as your source volume.

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Thank you Steve!


We are so far really happy with what Retrospect has been able to do for us here at Harper especially with backin' up our creative departments Macs the Retropects server Windows version.


Definitely let me know. I knew there had to be a way of doing this! Just how was the question!




Thanks again!



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Well, first of all keep in mind that were backing up Macs, not PC's. You can't make a file invisible on the Mac like you can on the PC. You can LOCK the file?! Which is what I just tested after thinking about what you guys just said, without changing any of the other settings within Retrospect Server for Windows, and guess what... IT WORKED! Subfolders did not delete because of the locked file within the folder! It still copied the file though, but that's okay. We want it to leave the folder behind. I created a one sentence SimpleText file and locked in under "Get Info".


If you know of any known issues with this, please don't hesitate to tell me, for I have millions of dollars of data that I have to move using Retrospect if we do infact go with the product (which at this point I don't see why not since it's done everything we've asked it too!).




Thanks for this one!



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To make a Mac file invisible, you can easily use ResEdit like I did. I see no problem with "locking" the file if you want.




Before using the Move option in Retrospect, we suggest ALWAYS making backup of the same data to a different backup set, or even to a different type of device.




Deleting a file off the hard disk, while only having a single copy of the data is not very safe.




I would also make sure verification is turned on.

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