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users can't read or write to server after Retrospect runs

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I recently installed Retrospect 5.0.238 on a 300 MHz Macintosh Blue & White G3 running OSX.3. I have an external hard drive (LaCie d2 Extreme connected via firewire) and a tape backup device (Quantum--formerly Certance--TapeStor 40 connected via USB) connected to this computer. We use this Mac with the external hard drive as our server, so we access files and read and write files to the server all day. I have scripts in Retrospect that run an automated backup, and these seem to run fine. However, while the backup is running or even once it is complete, the users can no longer read or write to the server. We get an error -50 code. I've also noticed that I cannot recover files from the tape backup, either. I can't remember the code, but basically it tells me that function is not supported.


Previously I had Retrospect installed on a Mac running OS 9 using the same scripts and it worked like a charm.


Can anyone help?

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