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Restoring Entire Drive

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I am unable to completely restore to my Hard Drive. I’ve done all the steps as outlined in <http://www.dantz.com/en/support/kbase.dtml?id=27186>


The restore gets about a quarter of the way through then the server loses contact with the client. I’m assuming a file is being overwritten that breaks the network connection. After the failure I am unable to boot from the PowerBook because the restore never completes.


I’m using Retro Workgroup v5.1.177 running OSX Panther Server v10.3.5 on a B&W G3 Mac. Client is a G3 PowerBook running Retro Client v5.1.109 and OSX Panther 10.3.5.


How do I restore from by backup without breaking the network connection?

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I’ll answer my own question.


If you did your backup over the Network you can not do a full Restore of OSX over the network.


You can also not do a full Restore of OSX using the Target computer in Target Disk Mode.


You MUST Install the same version of Retrospect on the Target Computer AND attach the Backup Device directly to the Target Computer, then do the Restore.


Be aware that if your Backup device was a FireWire 800 Device and the Target Computer only has a FireWire 400 connection you are SOL!

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