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Assertion check at "elem16.c-687"

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I keep on getting the same error message on one particular W2k machine. I have Retrosopect 5.1.175.


The message is this:


Internal consistency check failed:

Assertion check at "elem16.c-687"


I have searched their online database and found nothing.


Are these forums the only form of free tech support available for the "purchased" product? I assume that these forums are not here for support of downloaded demos.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This problem recurred several times on various clients. Forgetting and re-adding the client fixed it each time, until the next time the problem arose. I believe the Retrospect (server) preferences were being corrupted by the bug that causes two copies of Retrospect to launch in some cases. To clarify, there is a bug that causes two copies of Retrospect to launch sometimes. I think the corruption occurs when two copies of Retrospect are running. Presumably the code to write the preferences is not designed for multiple access. I worked around this bug by disabling the option to auto launch Retrospect when a script needs to be run. Instead I leave Retrospect running at all times. This is not ideal, but not having the backups is worse.



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