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Retro clients turn off under Panther

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From time to time, I find that my Retrospect clients (5.0.540) have an unacceptable habit of turning themselves off. Since they're no longer scriptable, and I cant find any other way to remotely address them, I run around the building or email folks instructions on how to babysit the clients.


With the release of Retro for Mac 6, I'm wondering if there's a client version I can run under Panther that stays on as expected. It also needs to be compatible with Retrospect Multi Server Edition version 6.0.206 running under Windows XP, which is where my backups are done from.


http://www.dantz.com/en/products/mac_clients.dtml and http://www.dantz.com/index.php3?SCREEN=kbase&ACTION=KBASE&id=28124 declare the existence of Retrospect Client for Mac 6.0. Within the second url, Mac_X_Client_Update_6_0.rcu can apparently be used to update clients over the LAN.


Am I allowed to access that file? If so how, or if not, why? Is there anything else I can do to get these Retrospect clients to stay on?






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5.1.109 seems to work on my powerbook- did a backup, and it hasn't shut off yet, tho that's not consistent or predictable to know when it will do that.


Bummer that when I ask my Retro server to update the clients using the .rcu file, it says

"No clients can be updated by the file Mac_X_Client_Update_5_1.rcu It is not the right file type of any clients in the database." Any idea what the proper .rcu for updating OS X clients from a Windows 6 retro server is?

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It may be that the rcu file is too new for Retrospect 6.0. It was created after Retrospect 6.5 shipped. If you where ever curious about what Retrospect 6.5 can do now might be a good time to run the trial and the client updates. You can continue with 6.0 if you don't want to keep the upgrade.



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