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format inconsistency with DVD-R

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During a rebuild catalog from a set of 3 DVD-R, Retrospect 5 claims (during processing of the first DVD-R)


> Backup set format inconsistency (4 at 2097152)

> Backup set format inconsistency (5 at 2145914)

>... (repeated 10 times with increasing numbers)


and keeps rebuilding forever. During dozens of backup sessions, I never had any error reported.


What is the reason for this message (a careful inspection of the surface shows not a single mecahnical crack) ?

Any hints how to go on ( I really need the data of this backup...) ?


Thanks Ruedi

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too have this problem. As I had a catalog that Retrospect (5.1.175 Desktop, driver update 4.3.103) considered good for the first DVD-R of the three-DVD backup set, I started recataloging on the second disk. So far, Retrospect has been runnning for 5 1/2 hours, and claims to have read 30.7GB from a single DVD-R -- quite a feat. I have noticed the same file names going past again and again. The log shows periodic "Trouble reading (2479)" and "... (1815)" errors, each followed by one or more "Backup set inconsistency (4)"s.


Other information: Mac OS X 10.3.2, build 7D24 hosted on an iMac DV with 512M or RAM. Backup device is NEC ND1300a in Lacie FireWire enclosure. My media are Apple branded 2x DVD-Rs.


Any and all help gratefully received -- although I'm in the happy position of not absolutely needing this particular back-up (until my system decides to pay me back for making a statement like that!).

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For what it's worth, I was finally able to recreate the catalog of my DVD backup set from scratch by taking the discs to another Mac with a different brand of DVD writer. While Retrospect did give up on the second disc with "Rebuild from CD/DVD discs" (rather than looping indefinitely as it had done with the writer on which the discs had been created), I was able to continue to what Retrospect claimed was a successful conclusion by using the "Update existing catalog file" operation. I believe (well, hope) that I'm now back to where I want to be.

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