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6 Weeks and Counting

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So, with all the known issues, vague promises that they will be addressed in an upgrade/update, and the fact that Dantz was well informed during the build process leading up to Panther's release,




As slow and clunky as it is, I'm using Apple's Backup 2.0 and returning my Retrospect Disks.


"Service Excellence" - a rare experience in the computer and software world.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am also frustrated for the same reason, with all of the early seeding that has been done with Mac OS X 10.3, It is really strange that many of these issues have not been fixed. Much of my other software had updates available a couple days before the official release of Mac OS X Panther. Right now I've got problems backing up, but I can't even begin to figure out at what point my backups are failing, and in many cases the failed backup has frozen my server. Luckily Panther will reboot itself upon system freezes.

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The requirements backup software has for OS stability exceed those required by most other applications. For our upcoming new version of Retrospect, we found that only at Panther build 60, out less than a month before Panther release, were we able to get the kind of stability we needed to initiate the later phases of our QA process.


Even then, case sensitive names weren't working correctly, nor was FileVault entirely stable, so a lot of work started about a week before Panther was released. Testing for a new version of Retrospect is a huge effort. The QA alone on our new release will end up in the neighborhood of one-and-a-half people-years. The test plan is about an inch thick of various OS versions, Macintosh models, languages, and storage hardware.


This isn't to say the gap between when Panther came out and when we will release a fully compatible Retrospect isn't too long. It is. We have to do better and we will. Not because we need people of greater dedication: the team has been giving up weekends, sleep, and family time. And not because we aren't treated as well as other developers by Apple, because we are. We will do better because our systems are improving and the amount of resources we can dedicate to it are increasing.


Please look for an exciting announcement at Macworld.


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I don't have a huge problem with the work arounds....I use it only to back one one server with a DLT-8000 drive plugged into it. There is no FileVault and so forth, I don't like leaving it logged in, but for the time being I can deal with it....the issue I am having is that over 90% the backups are crashing my server and not completing backups....for me this is unacceptable, especially for software that was over $1000.

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If you are running 10.X server OS and experiencing crashes, panics or sudden server restarts when working with a tape drive, then you may be experiencing an operating system bug that was reported to Apple and effects other software, not just Retrospect. We are working closely with them to develop a solution.



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