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Retrospect 6.1+10.3.9 Server hangs during backup to Scalar 24 (SCSI LTO3)

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I am backing up an XRaid volume over a LAN using Retrospect 6.1.126 with driver update on an XServe running 10.3.9. Whilst running short backups, there seems to be no problem but when trying to back up the whole volume over a weekend (around 2.5 TB), Retrospect seems to hang the server. It is then inaccessible over the network via AFP, SMB, SSH or any other protocol and the blue process indicator lights on the front of the XServe are contstantly on maximum.


We have recently installed an ADIC Scalar 24 library which has a SCSI Ultrium LTO3 drive installed. This is attached to the XServe via an ATTO ExpressPCI UL3s-66 card. This same setup had no problems when backing up to a LaCie AIT 3 Autoloader but since switching to the Scalar 24, the server hangs a few hours into the backup. The system log seems to stop recording during the period where the machine is 'hung' and only a hard restart will bring it back. Below is a copy of some of the text from the last system log when the server hung:


Sep 4 22:03:16 localhost /Applications/Retrospect 6.1/Retrospect/Contents/MacOS/AuthenticateUser.app/Contents/MacOS/../../../Retrospect: LaunchApplication(øˇÖ^P)

Sep 4 22:04:06 localhost /Applications/Retrospect 6.1/Retrospect/Contents/MacOS/AuthenticateUser.app/Contents/MacOS/../../../Retrospect: LaunchApplication(øˇÖ^P)

Sep 4 22:04:56 localhost /Applications/Retrospect 6.1/Retrospect/Contents/MacOS/AuthenticateUser.app/Contents/MacOS/../../../Retrospect: LaunchApplication(øˇÖ^P)

Sep 5 09:30:21 localhost syslogd: restart

Sep 5 09:30:21 localhost syslogd: kernel boot file is /mach_kernel


Has anyone seen this happen before and/or have any ideas/solutions?


Any help would be appreciated





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For what its worth, I've had very good phone support from Atto. This was a few years ago, but they went out of their way to help me. Can the LTO3 stream properly over a LAN? Are you using gigabit ethernet? Sounds to me like a kernel crash, which would indicate hardware.


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Thanks for the responses.


Yes I'm using gigabit ethernet with both devices on the same switch. I sent a full hardware report to ADIC who said that as far as they are concerned the configuration is correct and shouldn't have any problems. The strange thing being that I have been able to run a long backup running for 40 hours with no problem (apart from being slow!)



I will be running another recycle backup this weekend with the intention of backing up the entire RAID again and will post with any updates but may well contact ATTO if I still don't have any luck.



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If you have an Apple support contract I'd send them the crash log and ask them what the cause was. If you don't I'd Google the error. What do the other logs say?Can you tie it down any more?


There was a thread on here about crashes during Recycles but not Incrementals. Do a search and see if you can find it

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