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Client keeps turning itself off

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I have a client on my MacBook Pro. It's version 6.1.130.


It seems that every time I check to see if I'm getting backed up, I'm not. So I check Retrospect Client, and it shows that it's turned off. So I turn it on.


Next time, it's off again.


How do I keep it turned on?

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With the Retro client open, hold the command key and click 'off.' The status window should say 'Not Running.' If it just says 'Turned off,' this won't work.


Trash the file /Library/Preferences/retroclient.state


Turn the client back on. It should prompt you to enter and confirm a password. You will then need to forget and re-add the client on the Retro server side, but the problem should be gone.

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Did all of that - it worked like you specified. I "forgot" it from the server, re-added it, rebuilt a whole list of backup scripts, and ran an immediate backup.


This morning, I'm "off" again, and the history of my Client doesn't even show the immediate backup I initiated last night.


Please help!

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Next time" is the next morning generally - whether or not I've restarted the machine. I expect the window telling me that my backup (2:00 AM) was successful, and I don't get it. A trip to the app shows that it's off.


The app is in the default location (/Applications) with the original name (Retrospect Client).


How do I check on 'pitond'?



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>How do I check on 'pitond'?


The Activity Monitor application is one way to view running processes.


Or, in Terminal:


ps axl | fgrep pitond



rhwimac:~ rhwalker$ ps axl | fgrep pitond

0 191 1 0 31 0 30844 456 - S ?? 26:26.09 /Applications/Retrospect Client.app/Contents/Resources/pitond

501 6378 6372 0 31 0 27372 768 - S+ p1 0:00.02 fgrep pitond

Hope this helps,



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We have had the same problem with every client since it came along, but randomly occurring on different Macs (we have a number of clients running). All of a sudden a client will start turning itself off for no apparent reason, and once it does you can't get it to stay on.


The solution I found (sometimes works for quite awhile, sometimes reverts again after a little while) is to uninstall the client and then reinstall it. I don't know if this is the same as just throwing out the pref file as suggested above, but I suspect the uninstall will get rid of more than that.

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The screen saver comes on after one hour of inactivity, but the machine doesn't actually sleep (I get a lot of email and I want it to keep downloading). Then, when I open the Client, I get "Off" and "Status: Not Running."


Turning it back on manually works just fine, but by the time the server runs the script (while I and the computer are dormant) it's back off.

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OK - here's what I get:


501 14654 14652 0 31 0 27372 768 - S+ p2 0:00.01 fgrep pitond



Ok, the client daemon isn't running. Have you moved the Retrospect client from its default location?

Have you renamed the Retrospect client?


Please do the following three commands from Terminal and report the results:


ls -l /Library/StartupItems

ls -l /Library/StartupItems/RetroClient

ls -ld /Applications/Retro*


(those are lowercase "L" in each command line, not the pipe symbol).

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OK - here's what I get:




ls -l /Library/StartupItems

(produces nothing)


ls -l /Library/StartupItems/RetroClient

ls: /Library/StartupItems/RetroClient: No such file or directory


ls -ld /Applications/Retro*

drwxrwxr-x 3 root wheel 102 Jun 14 20:45 /Applications/Retrospect Client.app


The first one has me nervous, but even if it's not set as a StartupItem, once I turn it on, why would it later turn off if I haven't restarted?

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Here's what you should be seeing (only your last result is correct; there might be additional items in StartupItems):


rhwimac:~ rhwalker$ ls -l /Library/StartupItems

total 0

drwxr-xr-x 4 root wheel 136 Jul 3 2005 RetroClient

rhwimac:~ rhwalker$ ls -l /Library/StartupItems/RetroClient

total 32

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 349 Oct 29 2003 RetroClient

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 208 Oct 29 2003 StartupParameters.plist

rhwimac:~ rhwalker$ ls -ld /Applications/Retro*

drwxrwxr-x 3 root wheel 102 Jul 3 2005 /Applications/Retrospect Client.app

rhwimac:~ rhwalker$


The first one has me nervous, but even if it's not set as a StartupItem, once I turn it on, why would it later turn off if I haven't restarted?


Well, that's the mystery. Foster's suggestion about trashing preferences was an attempt to solve that because it might be crashing due to bad preferences.


Let me suggest that you uninstall, trash the preferences, and then reinstall (with the add client, etc., dance that you performed before).


Then, restart your computer and redo these three commands plus the "ps axl | fgrep pitond" command.

That will provide some assurance that we are starting from a clean install, and we can go from there. I'd be VERY interested to know what is happening to the StartupItem that gets the client going.


One variant that you've got is that you have an Intel Mac (MacBook Pro), and all my computers are PowerPC, so your client will be running via Rosetta (I don't think that the Retrospect client is Intel native yet). Let's try the above, be sure we get a clean install, and go from there.



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even if it's not set as a StartupItem, once I turn it on, why would it later turn off if I haven't restarted?



The fact that the client software install is faulty in this respect hints that it could be faulty in another respect.


Uninstalling/Reinstalling would be your first step.



- Is there a Retrospect Client log in /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ ?

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