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Backup problem with Iomega REV

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When I try, with Retrospect 6.1.126 Workgroup with the latest driver installed, to backup on an Iomega REV cartridge networked Macs launching manually a script from an open OS X session everything works perfectly.


But when using the same scheduled script which runs unattended, ie no open OS X session, the script is run but Retrospect can't find the REV cartridge though it is inserted. If I then open the session and rescheduled the script to run while the session is still open then again everything is fine...


Why can't Retrospect see the REV cartridge when no OS X session is open?

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in 10.3 OS X would unmount any non-boot, non-ide drives when all users are logged out. it's probably still the case.


in other words, Retrospect can't find the drive because it is not there. try leaving a user logged in and see if the scheduled backup works. if so, you'll know what the problem is.

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hi xju,


thanks for posting that.


here is an AppleScript that will make the changes for you:




property readDefault : "/usr/bin/defaults read /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin"


property writeTrueDefault : "/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool true"


property writeFalseDefault : "/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool false"


set myRead to "The setting does not exist yet. "



set myRead to (do shell script readDefault)

end try


if myRead is "The setting does not exist yet. " then

set toDo to button returned of (display dialog myRead & return & "Would you like to create it and set the computer to leave the disks mounted?" buttons {"Ok", "Cancel"} default button "Ok")

if toDo is "Ok" then

do shell script writeTrueDefault with administrator privileges

end if

else if myRead is "1" then

set toDo to button returned of (display dialog "This computer is currently set to leave disks mounted when users are logged out. Do you want to reset this, so the disks will unmount when users log out?" buttons {"Reset", "Cancel"} default button "Cancel")

if toDo is "Reset" then

do shell script writeFalseDefault with administrator privileges

end if

else if myRead is "0" then

set toDo to button returned of (display dialog "This computer is currently set to unmount disks when users are logged out. Do you want to set the computer to leave the disks mounted?" buttons {"Ok", "Cancel"} default button "Cancel")

if toDo is "Ok" then

do shell script writeTrueDefault with administrator privileges

end if

end if


set myReboot to button returned of (display dialog "Disk Mounting options have been changed." & return & return & "You will need to reboot for the changes to work properly. Would you like to reboot now?" buttons {"Reboot", "Cancel"} default button "Reboot")

if myReboot is "Reboot" then

do shell script "/sbin/shutdown -r now" with administrator privileges

end if




you can cut and paste that into the 'Script Editor' and run it like that, or save it, or whatever.

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