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Retrospect 6.1.126 "No Backup Devices Found"

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In the device status panel, I'm getting the "No Backup Devices Found" notification. When trying to rescan the SCSI bus, it flashes the scan status panel for a brief instant then disappears (under previous versions, you could see it update as it hit each SCSI bus and channel). I don't have this problem in 6.0.x except now that I made the move to 6.1.x, 6.0.x can't read the tapes - brilliant!


Apple System Profiler and ATTO Config tool can readily see and access the library and drives on the SCSI bus.


Here are the Hardware Stats:

CPU - PowerMac G4, 533Mhz, OS 10.4.7

SCSI Card: ATTO UL4D (also tried with UL3D with similar problems) driver version 3.5.0

Backup Hardware: Overland Storage Library Pro autoloader (SCSI Bus 1, ID 2) with two Sony AIT-3 drives (SDX-700C) - (SCSI Bus 1, IDs 0 and 1)


Any ideas?

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Just a suggestion - I've seen rearranging SCSI id's alleviate communications issues in other cases. The recommended ID scheme for a dual drive loader would be: Drives: IDs 1 and 2, Library: ID 5.


The rules of thumb for SCSI: no device should be on ID 0. The drive(s) should preceed the library. The IDs of drive(s) and library should be seperated by 3.

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