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Basic Back strategy, I'm a newby

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Real basic here, I'm backing up 5 Macs, once a week, to a 500 mg hard drivem using Retro 6.1. Maybe I'm foolish, but I want to back up just quark xpress files, photoshop, illustrator, html, and all the jpegs, tiffs, etc. NOT all the applications or fonts of systems etc. because my back up hard drive keeps getting too big, so I have to trash the back up set that I've been keeping and start all over. (we archive completed projects to DVD). My question, if I create a Selector that matches files and also matches pictyres, will I get it all? is there a better way? Thanks.

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Real basic here, I'm backing up 5 Macs, once a week, to a 500 mg hard drive...





I hope you mean 500GB hard drive!


Unless all of those files are stored in specific locations on each machine, creating a selector as you described would be the best solution, as that will allow you to pull specific types of files from all over the drives.

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