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Problems connecting to Linux client from Retrospect Server

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Hi we have a following problem with Retrospect Server v6 for Mac OS X:


When trying to connect to a linux client through internet the server finds the linux client but hangs up after that -> gives the "Net Retry"-window. And after that says: "Couldn´t access client volumes, error 519 (network communication failed)"


Retrospect.log at the client machine says:

1140159001: Connection established by 193.64.*.*:51230

1140159001: ConnReadData: Connection with 193.64.*.*:51230 was reset

1140159001: Connection established by 193.64.*.*:51231


The Linux firewall is accepting connections to port 497 (TCP/UDP).


Can you give me any ideas where the problem might be?

This is kind of a urgent issue, help would be appriciated..


RetroSpect Server v6.0.204

OS: Mac OS X Server v10.3.9

Linux RedHat (i don´t know the OS version), Client v7.5.111

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When trying to connect to a linux client through internet the server finds the linux client but hangs up after that



Is this the only Retrospect Client machine on that subnet, to which you have attempted to connect?


>I have tried to connect directly by IP address, no avail.


What _can_ you do with the client? Can you:


- add it to the Client Database (by direct IP? by subnet broadcase?)

- Click on the "Configure" tab of Configure->Clients->YourClient?->Configuration... ?

- Rename, Change password or Synch clock?

- Click on the "Volumes" tab and view online volumes?

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When trying to connect to a linux client through internet the server finds the linux client but hangs up after that



Is this the only Retrospect Client machine on that subnet, to which you have attempted to connect?


>I have tried to connect directly by IP address, no avail.


What _can_ you do with the client? Can you:


- add it to the Client Database (by direct IP? by subnet broadcase?)

- Click on the "Configure" tab of Configure->Clients->YourClient?->Configuration... ?

- Rename, Change password or Synch clock?

- Click on the "Volumes" tab and view online volumes?



I can add it to Client Database by direct IP. When I click the configure tab it waits a bit and then shows the "net retry" -window, same with the volumes-tab. The Test-button in Network-window shows the clients version and it finds the client.


The Client is not on the same subnet. Also what I find strange is that the Linux client doesn´t bind to UDP port 497 contra to Mac-client which does..

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I wrote:


> Is this the only Retrospect Client machine on that

>subnet, to which you have attempted to connect?


wondering if you have any othe clients on the same subnet as this Linux client.


If you can successfully connect to any other client on the same subnet, connected to the same switch, routed by the same router, the you could exclude network hardware as the cause. Otherwise I'd suspect that to be the cause.


It sounds as if the client is getting the UDP packets, but not the TCP.



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I wrote:


> Is this the only Retrospect Client machine on that

>subnet, to which you have attempted to connect?


wondering if you have any othe clients on the same subnet as this Linux client.



No, this is the only client on that seperate subnet. All the other clients, also working linux debian client, are on the same subnet with the server.



If you can successfully connect to any other client on the same subnet, connected to the same switch, routed by the same router, the you could exclude network hardware as the cause. Otherwise I'd suspect that to be the cause.


It sounds as if the client is getting the UDP packets, but not the TCP.




But UDP/TCP packets route to the linux server ok by other means, like http or VNC. It would sound strange if the router would drop packets only for specific ports while serving others without a problem. The server itself is new also.


Should the Retrospect client bind to UDP port 497? ´cause now it is only listening TCP port.

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