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I have an OSX (non booting) volume which retrospect will not back up because it complains about a duplicate dirid. I have treid all the suggestions such as creating a new folder and deleting the old one, verified the volume etc


I can copy the folder in the finder no problems.


Anyone got any ideas or suggestions?




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Exactly as described with DiskUtility, FYI I am a software developer and have been using RetroSpect for almost as long as I have been using Macs.


DiskUtils verified the volume fine.


Since I have already created a new folder, copied the contents and deleted to old one I have done all the normal things.


I will try renaming the folder and see what happens




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FYI I am a software developer and have been using RetroSpect for almost as long as I have been using Macs.




How long is that? A week? wink.gif

(Sorry. Couldn't help teasing. I'm not a mind-reader, you know.)



DiskUtils verified the volume fine.

Since I have already created a new folder, copied the contents and deleted to old one I have done all the normal things.


Did you try Diskwarrior? Or anything else besides Disk Utility?




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FYI I am a software developer and have been using RetroSpect for almost as long as I have been using Macs.



everybody on this forum is either a developer, rocket scientist, doctor or lawyer. or the equivalent. it's absolutely amazing to me the braintrust on this forum.


welcome. cool.gif

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No offence taken smile.gif


I have been using Macs since 1984 and RetroSpect since about 1990 approx. I am an Oracle DBA, and have well over 10 years Linux experience as well ...


Seems a sad reflection on Apple and/or Dantz that I need to buy a 3rd party utility to verify a disjk which Apples Tools say is OK and which the finder thinks is OK. Seems like I have no other choice at this point though.


Interesting thing is that when I first noticed the problem the folder was not the last one to be created, but obviously the new folder I created is.


Thanks for the suggestions !




(who has a few grey hairs as well)

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everybody on this forum is either a developer, rocket scientist, doctor or lawyer. or the equivalent.


Um, there is no "equivalent" to a lawyer. That's unauthorized practice of law, which is illegal. And a couple of degrees from M.I.T. and 75 cents ($4.00 at Starbucks) will get you a cup of coffee. But anyone can post in these forums.


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Seems a sad reflection on Apple and/or Dantz that I need to buy a 3rd party utility to verify a disjk which Apples Tools say is OK and which the finder thinks is OK



Why would it be a sad reflection on Dantz?


Retrospect is reporting that you have duplicate directory ID's because ... (wait for it) ... You have duplicate directory ID's.


Seems like a case of shooting the messanger if you're going to be upset at Dantz for it.



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Seems a sad reflection on Apple and/or Dantz that I need to buy a 3rd party utility to verify a disjk which Apples Tools say is OK and which the finder thinks is OK. Seems like I have no other choice at this point though.




I'm surprised that Apple's Disk Utility doesn't report/fix the error. (You do indeed have a directory error.) Did you run Disk Utility off the install CD/DVD? Or in Single User Mode?


I do recommend DiskWarrior, it saved quite a few disks for me. (No affiliation, just a happy customer.)




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I am not upset at Dantz, but I stand by my statement because;


I have deleted the original folder and recreated it

I can copy the files just fine in the finder

The disk verifies perfectly with the Apple utility

Many other backup programs would report the error but still back up the rest of the volume


It seems short sighted to me that the backup of an entire volume is aborted because of a problem with one directory which the finder does not have a problem with.


So the messenger is alive, just not performing as well as I expect




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The disk is not a booting disk and does not have a system folder, so single user mode or booting from a CD is not required in this case.


Looks like I need to buy diskwarrior.


Or start using Linux as my desktop ;-)


Thanks for your suggestions.




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Just a quick follow up here, I deleted the offending folder and guess what RetroSpect now complains that a different folder has a duplicate DIRID. Of course diskutility still says it's all OK


I am going to copy the entire volume to another drive and re format the original.



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Just a quick follow up here, I deleted the offending folder and guess what RetroSpect now complains that a different folder has a duplicate DIRID. Of course diskutility still says it's all OK


I am going to copy the entire volume to another drive and re format the original.






A theory: Since there are two folders with the same DIRID, Retrospect reports the second occurence. I don't know in which order Retrospect scans, but the order between the two might be reversed.


As a developer I'm sure you are familiar with the FSSpec struct:

struct FSSpec {

short vRefNum;

long parID;

StrFileName name;


(Here the DirID is called parID).

So, with duplicate parID, which folder do you get?


There's a small (free) app used to find large files/folders called WhatSize. WhatSize starts by scanning the hard drive for files/folders and list folders by size. Can WhatSize scan your drive?





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