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CD Backup Freeze

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Can anyone help?


Mac g4, system 9.2.2, Que 12x10x32 Firewire, Toast 4.?,Retospect 4.3 Ram .5gig.






I send an immediate back up, it's starts like normal,


the little wheels start spinning, then they stop, bang, dead lock up.


No key response, do the escape thing to get out,


have to go to Toast to eject the disk.




Updated exentions, check for latest everything,


I'm lost, any help would be apprecated.




Mega Thanks



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This drive ships with two mechanisms, only one of which is currenty supported. The mechanism can be determined from the Device Status window (Configure -> Devices).




The PX-W1210A mechanism has been tested and qualified with Retrospect 4.3 and the Retrospect Driver Update 2.1 or later.




The CD-W512EB is *not* yet supported.




Toast 4.1 is required for this drive. Also check that you have the Retrospect SDAP extension.




If you're getting this behavior with the supported drive, have you tried creating a new extension set with *only* the Retrospect and Toast extensions?




Irena Solomon


Dantz Tech Support

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