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poss to backup to 2 media sets with 1 script?

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Q: Is it possible to use 1 script to backup to 2 different media sets that are on 2 different drives, with 1 script execution?

It seems that running a script, even when the script is set to use 2 media sets, you can only choose 1 set in the run dialog. 

Is there any way to select 2 media scripts so data goes to both sets with one run of a script?

Workaround: You could make 2 identical scripts and just change the destination on one of them, then run them concurrently... ??




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1 hour ago, bradp015 said:

Is there any way to select 2 media scripts so data goes to both sets with one run of a script?

No, there isn't.

1 hour ago, bradp015 said:

You could make 2 identical scripts and just change the destination on one of them, then run them concurrently... ??

No, you can't. Both the source as well as the destination must be different for scripts to run concurrently.


You could run a normal backup script from the source computer(s) to media set A. Then you could run a "Copy Backup" script from Media Set A to Media Set B. That way the source computer(s) is/are not involved and free for other uses.

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bradp015 and Lennart_T,

bradp015 can as of Retrospect Mac 14.6 do what he suggested in his OP, so long as he is simultaneously backing up a different Favorite Folder on the same drive in each script.  He could divide his whole disk into Favorite Folders, which only apply to Retrospect, and have his two scripts back up the Favorite Folders in a different order.

Alternatively bradp015  could do what Lennart_T  suggests, with a Backup script and a Copy script.  However he should be sure to assign the same Activity Thread, in the Summary tab for the Scripts, if he schedules the two scripts so that they could possibly overlap in execution.  If he doesn't make sure to do that, the Copy script will ignore new or changed files that are being backed up—since it uses a Catalog File that is not updated for the Media Set until the end (barring any optional Comparing) of the Backup script run.

P.S.: On 10 January 2017 I suggested in this Product Suggestions—Mac OS X thread that a modest enhancement to Retrospect would enable overlapping a Backup to a particular Media Set with a Copy Backup or Copy Media Set from that same Media Set as the source.  That enhancement assumes that the Copy script would be scheduled at least a minute after the Backup script.  On 2 April 2017 I converted that suggestion into Support Case ##54601 for a Feature Enhancement.  That Support Case has been closed, with no evident action taken on it by Retrospect engineering since then.  Considering that Retrospect 15 now enables multiple Activity Threads (Execution Units for Retrospect Windows) even for the Desktop Edition, IMHO Retrospect engineering should reconsider that enhancement for Retrospect 16.

Edited by DavidHertzberg
Added P.S. about my two-year-old suggestion for an enhancement that would enable overlapping of Copy with Backup
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thank you for all your help. You have been instrumental in my edu for ret. You have educated me more than you realize. I want to convey my appreciation for all you have done for me. thank you.....

I did a copy backup script today, and although it took a while for "match" and "dont copy dupes" to complete, I dont think it will be a time burden to run the script periodically. Saving my arse in case of "the sky is falling" on the raid drive. If I duplicate every client folder backup script to my SAFE drive, and get the SAFE copy done that way, I dont think it will save much time as just doing the "copy backup" script. Copy bacup script seems to take a lot less time the duping every client script. And easy to deal with. 



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