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Expr 5.15 Stops - No Message


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Windows 2000 Pro, Express 5.15, Driver V2.1. I run an unattended recycle backup each workday evening to a Buslink 20GB after I've left work. Each evening run backs up two folders. On the last two evenings, the backup has gotten lost in space with no error messages. The last log messages were "6/4/2002 7:50:37 PM: Comparing jthallford on Toms_cdrive (C:)" and "6/5/2002 6:01:10 PM: Comparing My Documents on Toms_cdrive (C:)" respectively. In both cases, an additional file (Tuesday.rbf.rfc and Wednsday.rbf.rfc) was associated with the ~.rbf. On Tuesday, the backup stopped during the compare after the second folder was copied; on Wednesday, during the compare after the first folder was copied. RBF for Monday (success) Tuesday (fail) and Wednesday (Fail) were 3.48GB, 3.5GB, and 2.0GB. The only thing suspicious in the forum is the 4GB limit but, as I indicated, there is no message to indicate that I've run out of room.




Oh, dear, what can the matter be?





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Hey, I may have my own answer. I took some BSDs yesterday (Blue Screens of Death) and am wondering what would happen if a hard failure hit while an unattended backup was running. If the system was able to restart itself, then I'd see that same thing the following morning - an invitation to log on. But since it was a hard stop, the log would just stop at the most recent entry prior to the failure. Would Express restart itself after such an event?

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