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no support for this product???????

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I recently purchased Retrospect 6.0 for Macs; I seem to have stumbled on the worst supported product in 20 years of buying software; I have never never never never never heard of a software product that 1st of all would not allow you to email questions to their tech support staff; then on top of that, they charge you $70 for a phone call; on top of that, they tell you to use this forum, then provide no way to learn how to use this forum; on top of that, when you do use this forum, it is a waste of time, because you don't get any answers; I posted a question somewhere, I believe on the Using this forum place, and it got lost; it doesn't even show up now; 2 other questions I posted, as a new user, have not received a single reply, either from other users or so called staff people; what a huge waste of time and money this product has turned out to be; I would encourage everyone to boycott this ripoff of a company.

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