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Manually launch Retrospect for unattended backup??

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I have created a backup script that is set to run every Friday at 11:55pm. Whenever I launch Retrospect 6 I verify that the script is set to specifically run at that day and time. When I quit the Retrospect program I have the program set to check and make sure the backup is ready to go... but I get a message that tells me the following: Script FRIDAYNIGHT is next for execution but Retrospect must be launched manually. What is up with that? When we were running Retrospect 5, I never had to launch Retrospect manually in order for the unattended backups to run! What am I missing? How do I set a backup to be TRULY UNATTENDED? I have this running on one of our OSX Servers that sits in a server room at the login window 24-7. this setup worked fine under Retrospect 5 and OSXS 10.2.8... but now we are running retrospect 6 and OSXS 10.3.5. please help me find the magic button to click on and make this work.

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It looks like the retrorun service is not running. Check your Retrospect settings and make sure the "automatically launch Retrospect" setting is enabled. You can also run the Retrospect uninstall program, reboot and reinstall. (be sure to make an extra copy of your Retrospect preferences before you do this)




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