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2 gig file size limit

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I was attempting to make a backup file and when i went to run the script it failed within 30 seconds and it stated that there was 2 gig file size limit. The backup file is setup to be on my linux server (fedora core 2). I assumed initially it was a problem with the file system or samba but that is not the case. I ran a test from my windows backup server and it created a 42 gig file on there via samba. So i'm assuming its an issue with retrospect...does anyone know of a work around or maybe i'm possibly doing something wrong. Thanks for the help.

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This limitation is imposed my limitations in Macintosh Networking. Since it happens at the OS level there isn't much way around it.


One thing you could do is set your server to run FTP and use an internet backup set in Retrospect. That will avoid the limitation completely.




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