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Running server during work day

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I recently began to experiment with the server backup scripts in Retro. In the past we have used a traditional script. Over half of the machines on our network of 20 or so machines are laptops that are frequently taken home by our users. These leaves a large gap in our backups. Therefore, I took the suggestion of the retro manual and created two server scripts. One which backsup all machines daily, overnight, and one which backsup our laptops every 18 hours and runs all the time.

The problem I am having is that retrospect slows our network down sooooo much. This effects the databases we run, as well as our web browsing, email, and other internet activity. To my mind, this should not be happening. We use 10/100 switches and all machines run at 100. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?



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As you know a switch will limit the traffic to one particular run of wire. Unless the switch is failing you shouldn't see a performance hit on the network.


Is Retrospect running on the same machine that is running your mail and databases? Are those machines getting backed up during the day?




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No, mail and my databases are running on seperate machines, and they only backed up at night. Retrospect is on dedicated machine. Yes, since I using a switch, I am totally confused about my network performance. Perhaps the problem is with my network, and not Retrospect.

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I would look into the network a bit more closely. Specifically what machines are slow and when. Also what is Retrospect doing at the time the problem occurs.


Assuming it is a problem with Retrospect, stopping the backup should cure the problem immediately.




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