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Erased DVD-RWs status changed to "status unkown" & cannot be used

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Using new DVD-RWs I did a backup. Now I'm trying to re-use them. So I had Retrospect erase each disc in turn, and at the completion of each erase oepration the status said "Erased". All I did then was to eject the media and continue erasing the entire set (10).


I did a recycle back and the first disk was OK, but mounting the second disk shows at status of "status uknown" and Retrospect would not accept the disc. Disc 4 also showed this sympton. So, what might be going on? The OS will not mount the disc - just spits it back out.


I'm running Reteospect 6, Mac OS X 10.3.4 on a dual G5 with a Pioneer A06 drive.





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This drive "should" have native support in Retrospect and not require the auto configuration wizard.


Try removing the .rdi files from the Retrospect preferences folder and installing the latest Retrospect driver update from the Dantz updates page instead. That may give you better reliablity overall.



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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, did as requested. Subsequent backup went OK, RS did not ask to configure the drive. However, all (3 of 8) DVD-RWs in state "Status Unknown" were still not useable. In fact, no utility on Mac OS X or a PC running XP could do anything with the media, so I tashed them.


I won't know if the problem is fixed until the next backup wink.gif


Still unresolved in why RS asked to configure the drive, but let's forgot that - probably related to the 5 -> 6 upgrade combined with driver updates, etc, whatever.


Thanks for you help......

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem with CD-RWs. First time I used them with Retrospect 6.0.193 everything went fine. Next time they were on "Unknown' format. I can't erase them with Disk Utility or Toast either.


Is there a fix or solution for this? I'd hate to throw the disks out.





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