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slow Retrospect Duplicate in Panther

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Every night I run both a normal backup and a Duplicate backup (to maintain a bootable external backup) of the same iBook internal hard drive to an external F/W drive, using Retrospect 6 on a 600 Mhz G3 iBook running OS 10.3.4.


Below are the log results but in brief the Normal backup takes about 50 minutes while the Duplicate takes several hours.


Is this correct Retrospect behavior? Why is it so slow in Duplicate mode (in OS9 theses backups took only a few minutes). Is there any way to speed up?


Thanks for any insight, Paul



- 7/7/2004 1:05:19 AM: Copying iBook HD PT…

7/7/2004 1:58:25 AM: Execution completed successfully.

Completed: 410 files, 225.0 MB, with 57% compression

Performance: 10.8 MB/minute

Duration: 00:53:06 (00:32:18 idle/loading/preparing)


+ Duplicate using DUP iBook to Ext 55 at 7/7/2004 2:00 AM


- 7/7/2004 2:00:40 AM: Copying iBook HD PT…

7/7/2004 6:18:50 AM: Execution completed successfully.

Completed: 606 files, 229.6 MB

Performance: 0.9 MB/minute

Duration: 04:18:10 (00:10:42 idle/loading/preparing)

Quit at 7/7/2004 6:21 AM

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Make sure you have Retrospect 6.0.193 installed from our updates site. That sped this up a lot.


Hands down duplicates in OS9 will always be faster that those in OSX. OS9 was much simpler and lightweight. OSX is unix based and complex - overall that is a good thing it just means there is a _lot_ more to backup. Especially when it comes to OSX permissions.




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