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Hi...simple question. How do I configure a backup to an external HD (a Ximeta NetDisk 160 GB)? I've got it connected via USB to my PowerBook G4 running OS X 10.3.4. I can't configure backup set for removable device, so have to use "File." But this stores all information in a single file and I get an error message that "Can't add that much data to backup set. The limit is 2.0 G." when I try to backup my 7 GB Music folder. I can backup my Documents folder (1.7 GB) just fine. I spent the whole afternoon struggling with this today and can't find a solution.


I tried switching to Carbon Copy Cloner, but it won't even see my external drive.


A very frustrating day...I'm reduced to dragging my Music folder to the external drive, so I can't do any incremental backups. I thought Retrospect 6 was supposed to cure the size limit problem??


Any help much appreciated!


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I can't configure backup set for removable device, so have to use "File."



You can use it as a removable device if you set the Preference for it, but you probably don't want to since it requires Retrospect to completely erast the drive on its first use. A File Backup Set is your best choice.


>I get an error message that "Can't add that much data to backup set. The limit is 2.0 G."


Your drive is not formatted as HFS Extended ("HFS+"). Regular HFS disks have a single 2 G file limit.



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Thanks, Dave


You were right. NetDisk was formatted FAT32. Changed to HFS Extended and it's working.


Is there a size limit for HFS?


If I wanted to use it as a removeable device, how do I "set the Preference for it"? Erasing the drive is OK since I'm using it only for BU.



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I'm a big fan of using the disks as removable media. It breaks the backup data into smaller chunks (2GB) so you can burn it to DVD etc. It also makes the data more recoverable in case of a hardware failure. i.e. if part of the disk goes bad it won't take the entire backup file with it.




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