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519 errors, Net Retry, etc.

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hi folks,


i'm running server 6.5 on a xserve with roughly sixty dhcp clients (all updated) of mixed platforms. i have one w2k client that repeatedly reports a 519 error message. i have re-installed the client, re-installed NAV 8 but to no avail. the power save features on the client computer have been turned off. i've tested the client via the test option, and all seems well.


the strange thing is that retrospect will go through the entire scan process, and then choke with a "net retry" message and then eventually will report the dreaded 519 network communication error message.


any ideas? this is driving me crazy!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

change the retrospect server connection to 10baseT/UTP and the Media option to FULL_DUPLEX, under network.


I have try this and it really works...no error at all, but slower backup time, I have 60 client... allbackup without error


look like retrospect does not really wotk on 100base connection




otherwise try this

goto Retrospect, under Special

press Option and Click on the Preferences to the the screct menu

under client, try change the treshold to 1mb


i have try this yet, let me know how it goes

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