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Confused on results of backup

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I just downloaded the latest version of retrospect with the latest driver.

I made an inmediate backup of my users folder with compression onto 15 CDs.

I have a Tibook g-4 with an internal Panasonic CD-RW and an external QUE Firewire CD-RW.

I am running 10.2.8 and need a perfect backup before upgrading to Panther


The backup went more or less well. I was able, carefully, to put blank CDs in both drives and make my backup.

Then it did the comparison bit and told me I had 3 execution errors after reinserting each of my CDs. No problem with these.

The Inmediate backup window however shows that it has completed 4.8 G and 4.8G remaining. The progress bar is about 3/4 of the way. Neither the Pause nor the Stop buttons are active.

The execution errors window shows a huge amount of files, many of which I want to be sure are properly backed up.

The Backup Set window shows my 15 CDs and 9.2 G. The number of files is about the same as the sum of the "completed" and "remaining" files in the Inmediate backup Window.


Can somebody please clarify

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I now tried to restore two files totaling 75k that were listed on the executions error page, not listed as errors in the operations log.

Twice the "Restore from backup" window tells me "execution completed successfully" but completes 0k, remaining 75k.

So the backup isn't reliable? What now?


Please help and clarify

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Thank you Nate


The operations log is as follows:

File “TF's Bookmarks”: different data size (set: 87,758, vol: 87,894), path: “Users/dutzi/Documents/Bookmarks/Startup Items/TF's Bookmarks”.

File “TF's Bookmarks.bkup”: different data size (set: 87,577, vol: 87,758), path: “Users/dutzi/Documents/Bookmarks/Startup Items/TF's Bookmarks.bkup”.

File “IMG_1471.JPG” appears incomplete, path: “Users/dutzi/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2003/07/08/Originals/IMG_1471.JPG”.

The bookmarks seems logical as I didn't close my browser while backing up. I haven't checked that image in my iPhoto Library but it doesn't worry me.


The execution errors window is like the snapshots window and lists folders and folders or files inside those folders. I quit the application, shut down and can't find it anymore but there must have been thousands of files listed. No errors mentioned.


The internal drive is:

ATAPI-B:0.0 MATSHITA CD-RW CW-8121 version AA17 driver Panasonic CD-RW (5.11)

The Firewire is:

Firewire-A SAMSUNG CD-R/RW SW-2088 version BS04 driver Samsung CD-RW (5.11)

(They are listed in inverse order in the Device Status Window)



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Getting similar errors here while restoring from a pre-6.0 backup set using 6.0.193, but restoring from 5.1.177 is fine.

The strange point is that I restored the file twice in a row with different results: first I got a truncated file, and I aborted the second run when I was told there was about 16 millions TB left to restore (Wooh, this DLT8000 is way better than I thought!).


Here's a log extract:


? Retrospect version 6.0.193

launched at 30/04/2004 19:40

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version 5.3.102


- 30/04/2004 19:43:40: Retrieving from Movies…

File “Rat Race.cdr.dmg” appears incomplete, path: “DVDs/Rat Race.cdr.dmg”.

30/04/2004 20:11:34: 1 execution errors.

Completed: 1 files, 4,0 GB

Performance: 170,8 MB/minute

Duration: 00:27:52 (00:03:59 idle/loading/preparing)


30/04/2004 20:11:34: 1 execution errors.

Total duration: 00:27:53 (00:03:59 idle/loading/preparing)


- 30/04/2004 20:45:16: Retrieving from Movies…

File “Rat Race.cdr.dmg” appears incomplete, path: “DVDs/Rat Race.cdr.dmg”.

30/04/2004 21:05:36: Execution stopped by operator.

Remaining: 1 files, 16 777 216,0 TB

Completed: 0 files, 5,6 GB

Performance: 288,6 MB/minute

Duration: 00:20:20 (00:00:41 idle/loading/preparing)


Quit at 30/04/2004 21:08


? Retrospect version 5.1.177

launched at 30/04/2004 21:13

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version 4.3.103


+ Executing Searching & Retrieval at 30/04/2004 21:14

To volume DVDs on Disque…


- 30/04/2004 21:14:30: Retrieving from Movies…

30/04/2004 21:39:52: Execution completed successfully.

Completed: 1 files, 7,4 GB

Performance: 308,9 MB/minute

Duration: 00:25:22 (00:01:04 idle/loading/preparing)



SCSI-A:0:0 QUANTUM DLT8000 0255 DLT 40.0 DC (5.03)

FireWire-B (Ignored)

USB-C (Ignored)

ATAPI-D:0:0 (Ignored)



Dual 867 G4 (MDD) running 10.3.3, Atto ExpressPCIProUL2D

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Thanks for the additional info. Do files that did not cause errors restore properly? i.e. can you restore anything from these disks? I would try running a verify operation on the disks and then running one more incremental backup to catch anything that was missed the first time around.




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