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Duplicate verify error: file dates are exactly 1 hour apart

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I'm trying to successfully duplicate an internal drive from an old iMac 400MHz (slot loading) to an external LaCie FireWire drive (Porsche 80GB). The duplication completes but gives me over 700 verification errors. All the errors say there is a different creation or modification date/time. Examining the details, the time difference between the files on the source and destination is always EXACTLY one hour, with the Source file's date being 1 hour before the Destination file's date.




I ran DiskWarrior and repaired the root creation date on the destination, and then attempted the Duplication again, with the same results. I checked the destination volume's Finder info using TechTool Pro 4.0.2, but no problems were found.




What's causing this? Does it have to do with Daylight Savings Time?


Why would the source and destination have different times for files that should be identical? How can I "fix" this discrepancy?





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Yes, it has something to do with DST. Fortunately, I have only one file with this problem. It's one of my backup set catalogs. I duplicate the catalogs from one drive to another. This was one of the files that was likely open when the switch to DST occurred.


Every time I duplicate it and verify, the verification warns of a date mismatch.


I have no idea why the time stamp on one disk would not be copied across exactly to another disk on the same machine.

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Does it have to do with Daylight Savings Time?







Most likely, yes.




Take a look at the modification date of your file. Then compare that to the chart found at this Web Exhibits dot Org page. If there's a match, it's the appearance of a long standing interaction between Mac OS and Retrospect. Your files Duplicated fine; the log error is to be expected.





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If there's a match, it's the appearance of a long standing interaction between Mac OS and Retrospect.


Dave, I'm curious. What exactly is the nature of this "interaction"? The way I understand it, Retrospect's Duplicate function should simply copy the file in its entirety, which I presume would include the creation/modification date and time. Why would the copy not match the original in this respect? I'm still confused, although it's reassuring that my data copied fine if the date/time seem related to the DST change (which I will check ASAP).






Now, I think this problem is definitely related to Daylight Saving Time. Every file that was listed by Retrospect as an error was created or modified on April 4, 2004. That was the day DST began, at 2:00 am. Why this time discrepancy arose with Retrospect's copy vs original files, still is a mystery to me. confused.gif

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