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Retro Server 6.0.193 Crash

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I have been having problems since upgrading to 6.0.193 where Retrospect crashes and Mac OSX 10.3.3 reboots and I am presented with the following Retropsect error screen at the login window after reboot:




From Retrspect: Script "Servers" failed during automatic execution. error -1028 (client is not visible on network). Please launch Retrospect and check the operation log for details.


I click OK, login and check the log and the last entry in the log is:


+ Normal backup using Servers at 4/6/2004 2:00AM

To backup set April 2004 Server...


4/6/2004 2:00AM Connected to CD-Burn


4/6/2004 2:00AM Copying CD-Burn HD on cd-burn ...


This is where the system crashes. It does not matter what script is running and it ALWAYS happens with the first client it backs up. The clients are visible on the net. I have multiple scripts. Driving me nuts as now the system requires human intervention once again to get thing moving.


Any ideas on what may be causing this?


System: Apple Xserve/2GB RAM/OS X 10.3.3/Retrospect Server 6.0.193/

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