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VXA 1 Backup - .DS.store hang up

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My backups are still getting hung up on .DS.store files on (seemingly) arbitrary machines.


I'm running Retrospect 6 (with latest RDU), Jaguar on the Server and Panther on the workstations, backing up to VXA 1 with updated firmware.


I read somewhere that a restart between backups could help - but it didn't.


Is anyone else still having these problems? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I think I have one good backup set so far for the year.



Ann Marie

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Are .DS_store files the first to be backed up? What I mean is, is the backup hanging on the first file or is it stopping halfway after already backing up some other files?


Does this happen in a test backup to a file backup set? If this is a SCSI tape drive what SCSI adapter and driver version are you using?




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I'm currently working through this tech support, and it turns out the .ds-store files aren't even supposed to be backed up, as technically they aren't "files."


Anyway, what it's doing (and let's hope with the exclude file I'm attempting that becomes past tense) is hanging on the compare. Then, it's just the beach ball of death which requires a force quit and turning off the drive with the still active tape in it. Quite ugly.


I have a VXA-1 Firewire, and have installed the recent firmware update.


I'll let you know how this works out, though I seem to be the ONLY one out there with the problem. lol.


Ann Marie

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