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hi all,

I am new to this forum so i apologize if i am not doing this correctly. i am having problems backing up our servre and i want to know if anyone has gotten this error message also.


"Retrospect has unexpectedly quit due to a poweroutage or system crash"


The system did not crash and no power outages happened. I have gotten this error several days in a row.

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Can you post system details?




There is a known problem with XServes running Panter Server, ATTO UW3-S66 SCSI card, and tape drives. I have found no fix from Dantz or Apple, and the information I have about the ATTO card is conflicting - some sources say take the drivers from OS X 10.3 client, some say use the ATTO update, some say leave it as is. My "fix" was a new ATTO UW3-S (NOT the 66 Mhz version), and a G5 with OS X 10.3 client (NOT Server). My backups take twice as long now, but it's stable, and no longer mangling the backup on a weekly basis.




Edit - my bad, UL3-S, not UW3-S

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