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Retro 6.0 & VXA-2 Firewire

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Still having problems with this setup:


Server 10.3.1

Retro 6.0, using the latest RDU just released late last week

VXA-2 Firewire


Seems to do the backup ok but hangs on the last bit of copying and/or closing.. Always requires a Force-Quit, and at the next Retro Launch, always causes a KP.. meaning I've got to re-start the server...... AGAIN.


Seems as if the drive is becoming invisible to Retrospect, although it still shows up nicely in the System Profile. The VXA is connected directly to the Mac, nothing else on that Firewire channel.


Hope this gets fixed soon... I just spent a ton of $$ on the drive & tapes, hoping to get rid of the SCSI and DDS-4 drive. VXA was supposed to be faster, as was Retro 6.0, but so far, both seem like a bad combo for the most part.

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