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Workgroup 6.0 on OS X 10.3.2 failing on Win2K client

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I have an MDD 2x1.25GHz G4 w/2GB RAM running OS X 10.3.2 and Retrospect Workgroup 6.0, backing up to files on an external FireWire 250GB hard drive. The server itself can back up fine, and all but one of my clients have no issues.


However, I have a Win2K client running 6.5.132, connected via LAN to my server. Any attempt to back up this particular client results in an error box popping up with the cryptic message:




Internal consistency check failed:

Assertion check at "elem.c-821"




Then Retrospect spontaneously crashes.


I've rebooted the client, re-installed the client software, updated the client software and updated the server from 5.1.127 to 6.0.128. Rebooted the server. Deleted and re-created the policy for the client. Deleted and re-created the backup set file. Nothing helps, and I cannot back up this client.


This has been going on for about 2 months now. Anyone have a suggestion?




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That isn't terribly unusual. There are many cases where corrupt TCP/IP or flaky drivers can work fine for filesharing and internet but fail terribly with Retrospect client. in many cases an uninstall/reinstall of the network driver will sort things out.



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