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New Driver Update

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A new Retrospect Driver Update (RDU) has been release for use with Retrospect 6.5 for Windows and 6.0 for Macintosh. To download the update and read a list of changes, please visit the following addresses:


Windows RDU version 4.8.108 (Retrospect 6.5)



Macintosh RDU version 5.1.103 (Retrospect 6.0)



Both of these RDU’s include some very important bug fixes (including the AIT content unrecognized issue) and they are highly recommended for all users of the current Mac and Windows products.


Thanks for using Retrospect.




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Yup - the problem was at this end. For mysterious reasons, diskmounting was failing when i was logged in under my normal user account. A switch to root, a forced prebind and repair of permissions and all became swell again. Sorry for causing panic needlessly. I should have tried mounting another disk image before hitting the alarm in er, retrospect.

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