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Kernel Panic with Retrospect 6 Kernel Panic with Retrospect 6

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The previous thread about this seems to have died a slow death, so I am going to repost in the hopes that something new will come up.



I have a Power Macintosh G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors, FW800) with dual 1.25 Gigahertz G4 processors and 1.25 Megabytes of RAM, running Mac OS 10.2.8.


I backup to a Sony SDT-10000 DDS4 Dat Drive connected to a Initio Miles INI-9100UW Mac SCSI card.


When I try to backup using the DAT drive, Retrospect 6 copies one file and then stalls for about 5 minutes while the busy light on the DAT drive blinks, then I get a Kernel Panic. I've tried this with and without the 5.0.105 driver update. Retrospect 5.1 has no problems with this configuration and had been working fine for quite awhile.


I finally got in touch with Initio tech support and the BIOS on my card (3.07) is the latest for OS X and according to the Tech I talked to (Dan) it should also work in Panther.


I've gone back to using 5.1 for now so I can still use the DAT drive.


Unless I've missed something, my configuration should be supported by Retrospect 6. Can someone from Dantz please let us know if anything is being done to about this problem?






MIS Director

Gaims, Weil, West & Epstein, LLP

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I submitted this to support some time ago (#13756982). I just called in again today to check. The person I spoke to claimed that Retro6/Initio 9100/Jaguar _should_ be a supported configuration. Also, he thought he remembered testing being done with the 9100 card. I have no idea what, if anything, Danzt may have been doing since I started the case. He didn't seem to have much to say beyond that, but I asked that they check back to the QA process and see if they have records of successful tests with the 9100 card, or if they have the equipment to reproduce a 9100/HP6x40DAT setup like mine. Supposedly they'll email me with any updates.


I never got any response on the mailing list in my call for successful Initio/Retro6 users, but I'll try again. If there are any, it might only happen with certain drives. Since there seem to be others having these problems I doubt if it a hardware flaky in my setup.


Apparently Dantz is dropping Initio support in Panther because the driver doesn't support the Apple's new SCSI API. I never did get a reply from my email to Initio, but maybe I'll try and call them and see if they have any plans to update this, or if they are basically dead products.


The previous thread was here.

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I just confirmed again that I can run a Retro6 backup (1.6GB from a local drive) using a Miles Bluenote 9090 card we also have floating around here. This was to a SureStore 24, not our SureStore 6x40 connected to the 9100UW card we are both having trouble with, but I doubt that is the problem. Perhaps the problem is limited to the UW card?


Of course, running the HP 6x40 from the Bluenote isn't an option, since Dantz explicitly non-supports using 68-pin drives like our 6x40 with 25 or 50 pin cards like the bluenote...


I guess the next thing to do is to rip the 9100 card out of the current machine and put in another one to eliminate that possibility.

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It looks like there is something about the HP SureStore DAT6x40 that Retro6 doesn't like, at least in conjuction with Initio cards. I pulled the 9100UW card and put it in another machine, with no better luck. However, I can do backups to our older SureStore DAT24 with no trouble, and the 6x40 also fails with our Bluenote 9090 card, which works with the 24 drive. As mentioned, all of this works with Retro 5.1.


Someone earlier in this thread seemed to be having the same trouble with a 9100 and a Sony drive, and there is another thread with what might be the same problem with a couple other DAT drives, so it may not be unique to the HP6x40.


I checked with my service ticket, and they had no news. They did say it didn't look like the 9100/6x40 combination had been tested with Retro6 (they may not have the drive available). It would have been interesting to see if the Sony or other drives mentioned in this forum had been tested, but apparently the phone people don't have access to any sort of testing result matrix to see what QA has checked out.

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I'm the one (at least in this thread) that has the Sony drive. When I talked to the person at Initio, he didn't know of any issues with the 9100UW and Panther, or Retorspect for that matter. He was surprised to learn that Retro6 didn't have trouble with the 9100UW. I want to upgrade to Panther, but if I need a new SCSI card I'd like to know sooner rather than later.




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  • 2 weeks later...

There is still the issue of Initio cards being listed as unsupported with Panther. Is it just that testing still needs to be done, or is there a known problem with them? I talked with Dan Sanders at Initio the other day, and they are unaware of any Panther problems.

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