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Supported Tape Device Not Found on Restore, but not Backup

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Configuration: Retrospect Server 6.0, Mac OS X Server 10.3.2, XServe Dual 1.33GHz, ATTO UL3S, ATTO Driver 3.03, Exabyte Autopak 1x10 VXA-2


Error Message: Supported Tape Device Not Found


When attempting a restore from a current Backup Set, I received the error message above. I checked in Configure->Devices->Device Status, and the drive was listed. I was able to run a script and backup the local drive to the tape device using the current Backup Set. I was also able to use the loader to load and unload tapes. Repeated attempts to perform the restore failed with the same error message. Restarting the server corrected the problem. Is there a way to reset this condition without restarting the server? Is this a known problem?

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