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Transferring Retrospect Server

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I'm currently in the process of moving our Retrospect server 7.7 installation from a from a Windows Server 2003 server to a Windows server 2008 server.


I've been looking for some information on how I would go about this and the only thing i've found so far is a page under the help file called Moving Retrospect. The 4 steps are as follows.


To move Retrospect to a new backup computer:


1.Install Retrospect on the new computer.


2. Copy the Catalog Files (with name extensions .rbc and .rbf) from the old backup computer to the new computer. The default location that Catalog Files are saved is ..\My Documents\ Retrospect Catalog Files.


3. Copy the configuration file (Config75.dat) from the old backup computer to the new computer. The configuration file is saved is either in the same folder as the Retrospect application, or in ..\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect.


4. Next, you must force Retrospect (on the new backup computer) to recognize the Catalog Files you just moved.

The easiest way to do this is to select all of the catalogs in the Windows Explorer, and drag them onto the Retrospect application icon. Retrospect opens a Backup Set configuration window for each Catalog, causing it to recognize the catalogs.


I've followed the instructions and copied over the catalog and config file but the instructions make no mention of copying over the actual backup sets, but I copied over those anyway.


As per the instructions I dragged the catalog files over to the retrospect application icon and then opened Retrospect. All the clients, backup sets and scripts were shown in the relevant windows and everything appeared ok.


I then tried to backup one of the client computers by running it's script and a window popped up asking for the location of the Backup Set. This is not surprising really as the catlog and backup sets are located in a different location on the new server. I get the same popup asking for the backup set when I try a restore as well.


What's the correct procedure for moving a Retrospect installation to a new system? How can I fix this problem where Retropsect on the new server doesn't know where all the backup sets are located?



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What's the correct procedure for moving a Retrospect installation to a new system? How can I fix this problem where Retropsect on the new server doesn't know where all the backup sets are located?

Everything so far is correct. Now you must go into each backup set and set the location:

Configure, Backup Sets

Select backup set, click Properties



change the Location for backup data folder (type it in or use Browse)

Click Ok and close the backup set

(repeat for each backup set)


Remember to use the root folder (i.e. the folder above the \Retrospect\Dantz folder) - it should then be able to pick up from where it left off in the last backup.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Richard, first day back at work today and I've just made your suggested change to one of the backup sets and it appears to be working fine now. It seems the help file is a bit out of date and could do with some updating.


Thanks for your help.

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