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How do you find clients on network?

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I have an Xserve running Mac OS 10.3.2 in a small office with a internal network of Mac 10.2.8 and 10.3.2 "clients". I am running Retrospect 6.0 network (previously 5.1) on the server and have client software installed on the network computers. Problem is that Retrospect on the server is unable to find any of the clients on the network. I do a search and get -1068 error. Firewall is running on the server and I have added port for retrospect, but no change. I wasn't able to see clients when using 5.1 either. Suggestions?

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On the screen "Backup Clients on Network", it says No backup clients found - Choose Add by Address. I try that and I get an error message "Sorry can't connect to backup client effor -1028 (client is not visible on network). All machines in the network have the 6.0 client software installed and they have been restarted.

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I was unable to ping from the Restrospect server using However, I was able to ping when using All computers in the network have individual ip addresses. The server has both an external ip and the internal network ip. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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The primary network adapater is at the top in the Network Port Configurations?


Typically if you can't ping the raw IP address (, Retrospect is going to fail also.


What happens if you disable the external IP address and just have the internal addresses?

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By primary network adapter, if you mean the ethernet connection to the outside world (external ip), yes it is listed first in the Network Port Configurations; the second ethernet connection is to the internal ip. I moved the external ip to make it second and the internal ip first - made no difference with Retrospect. However, then the network computers had no internet access. I also tried to get Retrospect to find network clients with the external ip address disabled, but no luck - except to prevent internet access by network computers. I also tried disabling the firewall totally to see it that would make a difference - still no luck.


I can't disable the external ip on the Xserve on an ongoing basis as the server hosts email, website, and enables contact with the internet, etc.

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