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Retrospect 7.0: Server Doesn't See Client Volume


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I am using Retrospect Single Server 7.0.265, running on Windows Server 2003, with one client. The client has the software installed, and seems to be functioning properly. It has four hard drive volumes, C:, E:, S:, and V:.


When I add a client to the server, it sees the client machine just fine, along with drives C:, E:, and V:. But it doesn't see S: at all.


S: is a USB drive on a USB 2.0 port. That is the only thing that I can see is "different" about it. It works fine both locally and across the network. It is plugged into a main USB port, not on a hub.


But for the life of me, I can't get the Retrospect server to see drive S:. I've rebooted, removed the client, reinstalled the client software, etc.


How can I get it to see S:?




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Hi Don,


Go to Configure>Clients, get the properties for this client machine and look at the Volumes tab. If the S drive shows up there, but is not highlighted, it will not be available anywhere in Retrospect. If the S drive does not show up there either, you likely have insufficient permissions for the client application to access that volume. In this case, try adding the "Everyone" group to the users who have access to this volume.



Edit: You should also update Retrospect. You can download everything you need here:


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Thanks! The problem was that it wasn't visible in the Volumes tab.


But you gave me the clue. The volume was accessible to the Users group, but apparently Administrators and/or System must also have explicit permissions on the volume. I didn't find that anywhere in the documentation.


I'll check into the update.




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