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Retrospect backup questions


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Hi there. Trying to set up retrospect as part of an eval process.


Retrospect is being tested to back up one server (at the moment, more to come along with clients) to a rotating array of external USB tape drives. WHen I insert the drive, I keep getting a dialog box that asks me to select te backup set member. I can point to F (my USB drive) and force it to create a new backup setup by selecting "skip"


How do I keep this from happening. It only occurs the first time I add the drive. if I keep the drive attached for more than one execution before going to the next drive, I'm ok, but as soon as I switch drives the problem is back again.


I'm guessing some historical info is kept here and that I need to keep the backup set on the server. Am I on the right track here?




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I have a similar situation where I rotate a couple of disks using a hot plug in arrangement. I've created a backup

set for each and schedule each on alternating period (remembering to swap the disk between these runs in my

responsibility still smile.gif).


Retrospect, however, keeps complaining that the missing disk is missing and pops up a dialog every time this happens.

Is there a way I can avoid it and just get retrospect to ignore this? Alternatively, is there a way to check the presence

of a particular drive and use the appropriate backup set against it? or can this only by done by a script outside Retrospect?






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Sorry, I should have specified: I 'm running Retrospect 7 on WinXP Pro SP2. The backups are performed on my

computer alone (no networked clients/servers as such).


I'm aware of the Automate:Validate action but I want Retrospect to do this and simply ignore any backup disks

which are not mounted. As I'm rotating two disks onto the same Hot Plug In SATA controller, there's bound to be

one valid and one invalid backup script at any one time, but that's ok.


Also, if by 'retrospect is running while changing disks' you mean the retrorun service, then yes, but the main Retrospect

application typically is not running when the swap happens.


Does this shed more light and points to something I'm doing?





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Hi Bonny,


Yes that clears up the situation a little bit. It sounds like you're running two schedules all the time so that Retrospect will back up to whatever disk is connected, is that right? If that's the case, Retrospect will always complain when it doesn't find a needed backup set. However, you can limit this by setting a media request time out in Configure>Preferences>Media Request. This will tell Retrospect to forget about a scheduled execution after a set amount of time when the backup media is not present.

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