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Please help!


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I've made a mistake and setup a backup for a folder which contains 27GB.


Finally, I deleted the backup instruction but I couldn't delete the backups (27GB) in my hard drive. When I try to delete it, a message pops up --"...the label syntax is incorrect". I uninstalled this Retrospect Express software but the backups are still in my hard drive and again I couldn't delete it.


Could you please kindly give me advice on how to delete it? It's an eye sore and my hard drive is approaching full now, deleting this 27GB useless backup would be terribly helpful.


Thank you very much and have a nice day.

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Hi Mic,


Does this directory name have any non-alphanumeric characters in it, such as an ampersand (&) or any non-English characters?


Can you delete the contents of the directory while leaving the directory in place? That would at least relieve your space issues while you try to eliminate the directory.

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Hi Foster,


Thank you very much for the reply.


Yes, the directory name have weird symbols, non-alphanumeric characters in it. I tried to delete the contents too, but it doesn't allow me to do so too.


What should I do?

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I looked around for other people having difficulties with the error message "The label syntax is incorrect," but only came up with several instances of this occuring while programming or working with databases.


If the link Wilbour provided does not contain a method for removing this directory, the sure-fire way to get rid of it would be to move any information you want to save to another drive and format the drive to clear off the old backups.

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