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Backup client not found


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I have been having problems with Retrospect 6.5 not being able to find the backup client on my notebook computer. I have two PCs--a desktop computer and a notebook computer, both running Windows XP. They share an internet connection through a router.


Retrospect runs on the desktop PC, and the client runs on the notebook. I can have it working just fine one day, and then the next day Retrospect reports that it can't find the backup client. Right now, the rest of the network is working--each of the computers can communicate with each other, and both can access the internet, but the client is not visible. If I select the client in the backup client database window, and click Properties, it is shown as "not connected." When I click on Refresh, it searches for a while and returns an Error -530. If I click Add, it says "Searching for backup clients..." indefinitely. If I click Test in that window, and enter the IP address of the notebook, it reports that a backup client was found. But it still cannot add it to the list of clients. (Just yesterday, everything was working.)


Any suggestions for troubleshooting this problem?

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Thanks for your suggestions. I have made explicit exceptions for port 497 for both TCP and UDP on both firewalls. I have also tried disabling Windows Firewall on the client computer, and uninstalling EZ Firewall on the Retrospect computer. None of those have solved the problem.


Any other ideas?



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Hi all,


I'm new here. Having the same problem and have found no solution here yet.


Server 2003 running v7.0.249, XP Pro sp2 client v7.0.106.0.

No firewalls on either end.

Retro server can find backup client thru subnet and can ping by name & IP, but when trying to add a subvolume it gives the error -530.

Only this client doesn't get backed up.

Only one nic in this client.


During the last bit of troubleshooting I just did - trying to modify the backup script by adding a subvolume - I found I get the error no matter which client I'm trying to modify. Didn't have that problem before, except with this troublesome one. We'll see what tomorrow's backup report is... I'm afraid it'll ALL be messed up.


Hope you can help. I'll check back here tomorrow.


Thanks for your time!

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Just as I feared -- all clients were not backed up last night, and had the same error. Server can still find all the clients by IP and name. Short of uninstalling/reinstalling the Retrospect server I don't know what to do. I've searched this forum, scoured the knowledgebase, read the documentation. Haven't called support yet - hoping to avoid the charges.


Think it would help to remove all clients & add them back? Doesn't strike me as likely, since R. reports them as not found....


Any ideas? Thanks!

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Hi guys,


Here's a link to the article for -530 in case you haven't seen it already:



Cliff - is your laptop connecting wirelessly? If it is wireless and the main PC if wired then there will be an additional interface that data needs to traverse.


boko - First, update: http://emcinsignia.com/supportupdates/updates/retrospect/archive/#UPDATETYPE41

If you're having -530 errors with all clients, I wonder if the problem doesn't actually reside on the backup server side. Can you verify that you're running the current drivers from the NIC manufacturer, not Microsoft's generic drivers?

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Thanks, Foster --


The nic driver is from the manufacturer, but it's old, so I'll reinstall it. And which Retrospect updates do you recommend? The installer, driver, or security updates? Or all of them? Sorry, couldn't find any documentation on that.


I agree that the problem is probably with the backup server. (It's also the domain controller.) At first, only one client had the problem, then one more. Then, when I was trying to add directories (subvolumes) for the other clients I started getting the same error for them, so now all of them are affected.


I tried reinstalling Retrospect but ended up with the same setup, so I guess I need to move the catalogs & .dat files to get a clean install. One thing I'm going to try today is installing it on a 2000 server I've got and see if the same problem occurs. If it doesn't, that will isolate the problem to the 2003 server.


Thanks for your help! Wish me luck......

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Hi Foster,


None of the tips in the article seem to help.


  • The client computer is running and has not been on standby.

  • I have the latest versions of Retrospect 6.5 (6.5.382) on the host computer and of the client software (6.5.140) on the notebook.

  • The Task Manager shows retroclient.exe running on the client computer.

  • I am able to ping the client computer from within Retrospect, and it reports that the client is found.

  • I have tried disabling Windows Firewall on the client computer, and uninstalling EZFirewall on the host computer. I have also made exceptions for TCP and UDP ports 497 in Windows Firewall.

  • I am using a hardwired connection, not a wireless router.


I can't prove anything, but it seems like the problems started when I installed ACT! on both computers and enabled synchronization of the databases on the two computers. Uninstalling ACT! does not fix the problem. I was having other network problems after installing ACT!, but fixed them by reinstalling software on the notebook (after Windows System Restore made a mess). Now the only problem I am having is with Retrospect.

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Yes, you should get all the updates so that the version you end up with is 7.0.344 with update version Installing on another machine should be a telling test. Good luck!




Can you use a crossover cable to connect the two computers directly? You'll want to try to narrow this problem down to a single point of failure, and process of elimination is a good way to do so.

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Anticipating your next suggestion, I tried using a different network adapter (actually the adapter built into the motherboard, which I stopped using because it caused numerous backup failures in the past). Retrospect was able to detect the client when I used that adapter. I guess that means I need a new adapter, unless you can suggest a configuration change that would make it work.


Thanks for your help.


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I think I found the problem. Somehow Windows Firewall was activated on the host computer, in addition to EZ Firewall. Disabling Windows Firewall lets Retrospect find the client.


Thanks again for your help.


Anyone need a slightly used but perfectly good network card? wink.gif



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again, y'all -


I installed Retrospect on another server we had not been using, and I was able to configure the volumes on ALL the computers. So the problem is with Retro on the server side.


I'm planning on reinstalling on the same server, moving the catalog to another location so I can get a fresh install & rebuild. Does anyone know of anything else I should do to get a clean install?


Thanks a lot!



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Thanks, Foster.


Where is that config file? I did an uninstall, moved the cat files so R. wouldn't detect them, hacked the registry. Upon reinstall, the scripts showed up again, and I have the same problem detecting some of the clients. This is driving me crazy! Oh, and that uninstall kb article I referenced in another post won't load for me.


A new problem on the 2003 server is having trouble connecting to the media. I moved it (WD Passport drive) to the other server and it worked fine. Another drive works fine on the 2003. Maybe the usb port is bad.


Right now I'm backing up all the clients just fine on the 2000 server. On the 2003 server I'm just backing up the hard drive, which works fine.


If you can tell me where that config file is, I'd be really happy. If I get a really clean install & it still doesn't work I guess I have to troubleshoot the server instead of Retrospect.


Thanks for all your help!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, thanks for all your help, guys. The problem is fixed!


I did a clean uninstall, reghack & all, even moving the cat and config files. Reinstall & upgrade went fine, and I was able to add all the clients back with no problems. Running great now.


Thanks again!

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