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Upgrade from 7 to 7.5 - Worth it?


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AFAICT the only major feature improvement in 7.5 over 7.0 is that, when

backing up to DVD, it will verify each DVD immediately after writing

instead of making you swap DVDs back and forth when a backup session

crosses a disk boundary.


Are there other reasons to upgrade, or am I better off waiting for

the next version?

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Here is the readme for 7.5:



You can pop down to the "whats new in 7.5" section for a general idea of additional features. There is a lot more new stuff than just media verification. However, if you're just a home user backing up to DVD, then you might not have a use for most of the new features.

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AFAICT the only major feature improvement in 7.5 over 7.0 is that, when

backing up to DVD, it will verify each DVD immediately after writing

instead of making you swap DVDs back and forth when a backup session

crosses a disk boundary.



And media verification doesn't seem to work as advertised. 70279

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