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Backups stop after 30gb


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Hey guys,


I have an approximately 170gb of backups taking place each night in a script format, pulling information from approximately 3 different locations, both localy and across the network.


The backup starts on a tape i have erased, and is named Monday-New-1.


My question is, the tape is 100gb/200gb (uncompressed/compressed), why would the backup ask for another tape after backing up 30gb? I can't come in at 2am to change the tape so therefore the backup is useless.


Any ideas why this happens? Is there a way to stop it?

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Yea, hardware compression is turned on for the tape backupset. It doesn't error when it stops @ 7:30, thats when i've told it to stop, it waits for the new tape from about 2:30 till 7:30 and just stops as it hasen't recieved it.


Should hardware compression be off? crap tapes perhaps? It is SCSI attached yea.

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Hi Chris,


Test out a backup with a new backup set that does not use hardware compression. Ensure you're up to date with firmware for both the drive and SCSI card.


What model is the tape drive and what SCSI id is it on? Are there any other devices on the chain? Have you used this device with success previously? There could be a communications error, if you have spare parts you might also try swapping out the cable/terminator.

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I wittled my backup script completely down. To ONE server..


This is the output I get..


- 14/08/2006 19:00:01: Copying / on database.concept.co.uk

15/08/2006 07:30:00: Script execution terminated at specified stop time.

15/08/2006 08:47:06: Execution incomplete

Remaining: 188 files, 3.0 GB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 13:47:05 (13:47:01 idle/loading/preparing)


Now has that written ANY data? It's a formatted 100/200gb tape and I come in at 9am after the 7am cut off and it's asking for another tape. There isn't 100gb of data on that machine to backup so why is it asking for another?!

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Hi Chris,


Well, the log says no data has been written from that machine. Did you recycle the backup set or is there existing data on that particular tape? If you check Configure>Backup Sets>Members it will list data stored on each tape in a backup set.


Did you try any hardware troubleshooting?

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What did you do exactly? New backup set? What error did it fail with? Can you backup to a disk backup set?


Have you done any hardware troubleshooting?


We're really not gaining any ground on this problem. Please let me know when you've done some of troubleshooting I've already suggested and I'll be glad to try to continue helping you out.

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Hi Chris,


Are you pre-naming your tape when you erase it?

I would recommend leaving it "untitled" as Retrospect either looks for a blank tape or a tape with a specific name: "1-(your backup set name)".


Like Foster said, the logs you posted show that the script launched at 7pm on 8/14 but nothing was backed up. My guess is because it couldn't find the proper tape (possibly because you pre-named it incorrectly).

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