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RS 7.5.285 takes hours to duplicate status information


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Hi there, I' m using RS since years now. XP home, duplicating on usb-HD

With the latest version it takes much too long now to duplicate newer data, e.g: Drive C: 145 MB 1:29:02, drive D 57,8MB 1:58:57 etc


In my observation mainly the duplication of Status-information is consuming that time. In previous versions duplications of newer files ran in 10 to 20 minutes


Any hints?


Thank you in advance


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Hi Allyn,


You might try disabling the duplicate of file security information.


Edit your script and go to options, Windows>Security, uncheck 'Duplicate file security information from servers,' the option for workstations should also be unchecked if it is not already.


What exactly do you mean by Status-information? Can you post a log excerpt?

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