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Trouble rebuilding a catalog!

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Last week while trying to locate a backup file (doing a basic restore "search), I had an error pop up stating that it could not locate one of my catalogs. I then tried to retrieve the snapshots associated with this catalog that I have on an external Maxfactor 200 gig Hd. (I write the back up files directly to DVD but keep the catalog files on the MaxFW hd) But it could not locate them. For some reason it was greyed out and would not let me choose the file. So I started to just rebuild the catalog from the DVD's that I have (nine in total). Well As I start to rebuild it gets to disk six and then goes no further. And within the snapshot files there is just one listed. (There should be many as I should have them everyotherweek since the beginning of this year!).

I dont know where to go from here!

I am on a Mac G-4 OSX 10.3.9

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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Allow the rebuild to proceed up to and stop on disc six. When this happens,stop the execution and opt to save whatever data has been read from disc six. After that, use the Repair option to Update existing catalog, then select your dvd backup set and insert disc 7. This should allow you to continue the rebuild, though you will not be able to access the remainder of data on disc six.

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It sounds as if you have two problems; the second (catalog rebuild problem) one has been addressed by Foster.


The inability for Retrospect to see what should be a valid catalog warrants further information from you. Knowing what you did, step by step, would help others to offer suggestions.


- Is the catalog present in the Backup Sets window (Configure->Backup Sets)?

- If the catalog is present in this window, what happens if you Forget the entry and use "More->Open" to add it back in?

- What happens if you double-click on the Catalog file from the Finder?

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