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Shadow copy causing excessive backups

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I recently upgraded to Disk to Disk to backup my 2003 server. Unfortunately the amount of space that the backup requires has grown out of control over the course of only a couple days, the backup takes about 30GB additional space each night. At this rate I'll be needing a SAN just for backups by the end of the month.

I noticed that the only the volumes with shadow copy enabled are completely backed up again. Any other volume only gets the changed documents backed up. 99% of the files haven't been touched so shadow copy is the likely culprit.


Disabling shadow copy isn't exactly an option, so how do I configure Retrospect to cooperate?

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Are there any errors reported for these backups in the operations log? Comparison errors?


If you look in the properties for your backup set, check the sessions tab, browse a session, and get properties on files in that session, do you see "Miscompared" in the "flags" section?

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