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Posted in Professional Forum too...............getting ready to switch to a larger HD

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computergrem1.gif Hello all,


I posted a few days ago about getting a larger and faster HD for this Dell Inspiron 5150. I bought the Hitachi TK100 (I think that is the model) but it is a 100 gig, 7200 rpm, ATA-6, IDE drive. Replacing with an unknown brand, 60 gig, 5400 rpm, ATA-5, IDE drive. I need more space and speed for running Libronix which is a digital library program for Bibles and other religous books. It is a very sophisticated program and uses a lot of juice. I am loaded to the max with ram at 2 gigs.


It will be arriving tomorrow and I would like to know what I need to do to prepare. I have gotten responses on how to remove the old and replace the new in the caddy so I pray that will go without incident. I am wondering once that is done and I install the HD in here, what steps should I follow.


Beforehand I will back up the drive onto one of my externals, I was going to copy that catalog fine onto a cd.


What should I do first, second, third, etc. once the drive is in?? Can I boot from that catalog disk? Do I need to first install windows from the disk that came with the computer? Do I do a restore, duplicate, etc from the backup (running Retro 7.5). I want the computer to be exactly as it was before I switched hard drives with no partitons in it. I also want Retrospect to recognize the new larger space (someone said that may be an issue).


I think that is all I need to know. Not much eh I sure would appreciate any help and advice that anyone has who has done this or know how to do it. I am a bit nervous. My original HD did crash on this machine and I managed to get it retored exactly as it was but that was a while back and I don't remember what all I did. I could not make the CD when I first installed Retrospect for some reason but I did print out the disaster recovery instructions. This however, would not be treated as a disaster recovery would it?


Thanks in advance and I hope I receive a lot of responses to print out and have handy.


God Bless,


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