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OSX 10.4.6 server Full backup files almost every time

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a client of us is using retrospect 6(latest) to backup 2 windows clients and a OSX 10.4.6 Server. This is done remote over a pptp vpn connection, on the clients(and OSX server) is retrospect client installed. Retrospsect is scripted simple by a backup script with no strange things. It backups only the changed files on all clients. The windows clients are running perfect, we did once a full backup and after that only changed files. But we have big problems on the 10.4.6 server. About 3 times of the week it wants to do a complete full backup of the OSX server. The complete disk is 53GB and it sees 48GB as changed. actualy there are only about 900MB changed or added files. After the backup did a almost complete backup it backups OK for 2 day's (900MB) after that is wants to backup 48GB again.


does someone reconize this and know a solution for this ??


It cannot be the vpn connection because we had the 2 systems running on the same ethernet segment and the problem did also exist.

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What is the exact version of Retrospect you are using? Also, is it Professional, Workgroup or Server? What client version do you have on the 10.4 server? Do you have any antivirus software that runs regularly on the server, or other scheduled jobs of any sort that would reflect the frequency with which this problem occurs?

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Hi Foster, thank you for replying,


The MacOS X server is version 10.4.6 with all available updates and Retrospect client v6.1.130 installed. This server is being backuped over PPTP VPN by a MacOS X client v10.4.6 with all available updates and Retrospect Server v6.1.126 installed. There is no antivirus software running on the server and client. Wether the backup server is located in the same physical network or remote does not change it's strange behavior. I've tried to duplicate the files to an empty partition instead of writing to a backup file what resulted in the same behavior. Currently the backup is being written to a retrospect backup file located on a dedicated harddisk.

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