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New media backups and tape binding

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I am running Retrospect 6.5 multiserver on a Windows 2000 server, and I have defined a new media backup with a backup set bound to a specific tape drive.

My problem is that each time a new backup set is created by the new media backup (i.e. Backup set[001], Backup set[002]...), the binding to the specific tape drive is lost, and the backup is performed on any tape drive available.


Is it a limitration of the program or is there any way to force new media backup sets to bind to a specific drive?


Jack T.

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Yes, data are going off-site.


But independently of the reason why we are performing these backups and where we store them, Restrospect give to users the possibility to perform new media backups, and give also to users the possibility to bind backup sets to a given tape/autoloader unit.


I was just wondering why the binding was not working with new media baclups... It is not very rationale to have a new media backup job splitted randomly between a few DLT and DDS tapes.



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